
Forest restoration: rural areas at the centre of sustainable reforestation

Published on: 01 April 2022

Focus on local communities.
While rural areas of Madagascar are the most affected by deforestation, they are also the main cause.

Indeed, a number of illegal practices are common in the countryside and small villages of Madagascar.

At the end of 2021, satellite monitoring of fires in Madagascar revealed nearly two hundred fire points of "extreme" intensity. Located all over the island, according to Nasa images;
These practices have a strong impact on the Malagasy ecosystem, biodiversity and economy. 

bushfire, a common practice in Madagascar

Slash-and-burn, charcoal production, monoculture, etc. were practised as usual for the short-term needs of their activities.These are practiced as usual for the short-term needs of their activities.
This is to the detriment of the environment as well as the sustainability of the livelihoods of everyone (massive deforestation, loss of arable land, erosion, impacts on soil fertility).

The reality is that the origins of many of the fires remain unknown. However, this does not change the extent of the damage caused. This is the case in the KIRINDY MITEA forest, located in Menabe, which suffers from violent fires every year. 

Kirindy Mitea Forest, Menabe, Madagascar
Kirindy Mitea, Menabe, Madagascar 


It is therefore important to integrate rural areas in any so-called "sustainable " intervention, taking into account the socio-economic realities of the country.


This is why Bôndy places the local communities at the centre of its model, from reforestation to tree monitoring and awareness-raising. Partner farmers, planters, communes and fokontany actively participate in the implementation of various projects. 


In each region of Madagascar where Bôndy is currently present, it is not only a question of planting trees but also of accompanying the locals, who are the new guarantors of the continuity of the efforts made.




